Kingdom of the dead portals
Kingdom of the dead portals

kingdom of the dead portals

It turned out the problem was that the keyboard controls didn’t work with a controller plugged in, which is a bug that I’ve never seen before. Even at launch, the controls were still broken, so I wasn’t even able to move enough to get past the first level until post-launch. But the controls were so broken that, after informing the devs, I waited for a patch. Population is always more important than tools.I first got access to Kingdom of the Dead a couple of weeks before it launched. Again, population is critical, and later in the game you will have very few camps to use, so make sure any troops that are wounded in a battle get rehired when it is safe. One more tip: Whenever you lose troops, in any situation, make sure you try to rehire them after the battle. You should kill your first portal around day 25, the later ones are harder and take more time. For the last 2 portals this can take 5-10 knight squads before you finally kill the portal. Replenish your knights/archers, and do it again. Generally ou will lose your whole knight squad, but each time you will get a bit of damage off on the portal. In order to kill the portal you need to send your knights forward. If there is a guard tower anywhere near your forward wall or the portal itself, upgrade it to max, it will be extremely useful to kill the portal. Make sure the wall is far away enough so that your troops will not automatically wander into the portal constantly. If the wall is so close to the portal that your forward troops (the shield guys that stand outside your furthest wall) will attack the portal without you ordering them forward, then that wall is too far forward. The way to deal with portals is to build one of the walls that are close to the portal and fully upgrade it, however you can't build a wall that is too close to the portal. The first portal you kill is relatively easier, the last 3 are all pretty hard. Killing portals: Portals are tricky to kill. By around day 20 you should be expanded almost up to the first portal on the left, and you should aim to have 2 fully worked tier 2 farms on the left side for income. Continue hiring from camps at least every 2 days. Try to get a tier 2 farm going with 3-4 scythe workers as early as possible to give you steady income. Hopefully there will be a farm relatively close to your base.ĭay 5-20: Continue expanding left. During day 3-5 you should try to chop wood to the left as much as possible without losing builders. That wall/tower should be your line of defense for the right side for the entire game until you have finished clearing the left side. There should be a wall with a tower just to the right of your scythe vendor. You really only need 1-2 builders for the first 5 days or so.ĭay 3-5: try to get the stone upgrade by day 5 and get stone walls on the right side of your base.

kingdom of the dead portals

Hire as many camp dwellers as possible on day 1.ĭay 2: Get lots of bows and continue to hire from camps. Take note of shrines/merchants/stone upgrade shrine if you see them. Hopefully there will be 2-3 camps on that side. On day 1 you want to explore the entire right side of the world up until the first portal. Hopefully your archer will kill a rabbit or deer so you can get gold to hire from camps. You should be trying to hire everyone from every camps every 2 days throughout the game. This means you will want to hire from every camp once every 2 days. Camps seem to spawn one person per day and can only hold 2 people maximum. What you want to do is use the right side of the world as your population income. I did not chop any trees at all on the right until the entire left side including both left side portals were destroyed. DO NOT chop the trees near the camps on the right. Generally it seems like the right side has more camps close to your base, so usually you will want to focus on expanding left first. My basic strategy was to focus heavily on one side of the world first. I just "finished" the game by killing all 4 portals and figured i'd write short guide to help anyone who's struggling to do it.

Kingdom of the dead portals